Friday, May 10, 2013

Get Involved....

Get involved with FPAC….

For a few simple reasons:

                Our children benefit.
When parents get connected to the school, children do better.
Commit as much or as little time as you want to.
This isn’t a never-ending time commitment.    Some of our events are once a year, some are year round … you can get involved to suit your schedule.

It’s fun.
Volunteering shouldn’t be a chore.  We accomplish a lot and enjoy ourselves along the way.

We make a difference.
Our goal is to provide support in and out of the classrooms. 

At our meeting this week we held general elections and are happy to announce our officers for the 2013/2014 school year.

President – Natalie Hunt
Vice President – Jen Whorley
Secretary – Julie Aiken
Treasurer – Helen Verplanke

As we wind down this school year and look forward to the next in a new campus – of which we saw a sneak peek of the design at the FPAC meeting! – we would ask that you please consider joining us next year.  We are a strong group who head up the events throughout the year, and we would love to see some new faces and new ideas.   Without enough help, some of the FPAC sponsored events may not be able to happen -

Remember Together Everybody Achieves More.

Be a part of our T.E.A.M.    

Thank you!