Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fun Run FAQ's

Fun Run FAQs

When?    Monday 30th March
         5pm – 7pm

Where?    BFCS Sports field.    Runners will run the perimeter of the field and spectators and picnickers will be sat in the middle of the field.  Kona Ice will be on the basketball court.

What?     Fun Run with Color!!  Each student will receive a packet of Holi Powder to throw in the air.  There will also be color splashed on the runners throughout the race – so wear appropriate clothing that can get dirty/colored.

What does it cost?  
Fun Run is FREE to participate.  If you
would like to purchase extra powder packets, or Kona ice, you will need to bring some money.   But to come along and run costs you nothing.

What should we bring?
Bring plenty of water and a picnic for
dinner.  You are welcome to bring lawn
chairs, blankets and shade, whatever
you need to be comfortable .

Parking:       The front/main parking lot and the back side dirt lot will be open for parking.  Please be careful and considerate while parking your cars.  Please do not park in the dirt lot to the north of our campus, if we run out of parking spaces please use the parking by the Circle K garage over the road.  Thank you.

If you haven’t already registered, please do by 
clicking this link - 

See you Monday!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Register for the fun run here!

Monday 30th March

5pm – 7pm

BFCS Gilbert Sports Field

Each BFCS student will receive an individual color packet to add to the fun! 

Bring a picnic and lots of water and enjoy the evening.

KONA ICE will be on site for you to purchase your after dinner refreshments.

It’s going to be a colorful fun filled evening – hope to see you there!

Please register here so we know how many people will be coming – thanks!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Field Day THANK YOU!

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came and helped out at field day today!

It was a fun filled day – lots of happy faces and lots of sunshine!

BFCS parents are the best!!

Plus...a shout out to Mrs Julie Akin, Mrs Janet Armor and Mrs Jen Whorley for organizing the whole event - thank you for your time and dedication to our students!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

STUCO Family Night

STUCO is proud to present:

Peter Piper Pizza Family Night

Friday, March 20th
5.00pm – 8.00pm

Peter Piper Pizza located at Gilbert & Williams Field Rd

Come for food – Come for fun!

Open House

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Image result for field dayField day is FRIDAY!

We need help – please please please take a look at the sign up genius and see if you are able to sign up for an event.

This is such a fun day and the students all LOVE it, but we need an army of volunteers to make it happen…. We cant do it without our amazing parent volunteers – thank you!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Are you registered for the Color Run?

Monday 30th March

5pm – 7pm

BFCS Gilbert Sports Field

Bring a picnic and enjoy the evening.
KONA ICE will be on site for you to purchase your after dinner refreshments.

It’s going to be a colorful fun filled evening – hope to see you there!

Please register here so we know how many people will be coming – thanks!

If the link does not work, please paste this into your browser

Thursday, March 5, 2015

So…Why not join FPAC?

FPAC are looking for new faces, new families and new ideas! 

        It’s GOOD FOR YOUR CHILD AND SCHOOL.  BFCS provides an excellent education and FPAC strives to establish a supportive and encouraging community for the entire school.

·       You’ll MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  By volunteering with FPAC, you’ll be able to use your skills for a noble cause…. You’ll get to know teachers and administrators and work together to make our school the best it can be.

·       It’s FUN.  You’ll connect with a group of people who are all concerned with creating a better environment for their children.  You will help plan fun events, socials and get-togethers that the whole family can attend.

·       Be a ROLE MODEL.  You’ll show your children that not only are they important to you, but their school is as well.  They’ll see you taking a stand to make their school experience better for them and their peers, and chances are they’ll do the same.

·       You’ll HELP ENHANCE CURRICULUM.  FPAC funds programs that improve our childrens educational experience.

·       It’s FLEXIBLE and FOR EVERY PARENT.   Your voice and opinion matters!  It makes a difference when you speak up.  Your voice and ideas can help improve the quality of education for your children and their peers.  You’ll see the smiles on their faces and know that you’ve played a part in making school a little more comfortable and fun!  There are a variety of ways you can be involved, project responsibilities are flexible and can fit in with your time constraints.

This year FPAC funds ran and supported:

·         Classroom library books
·         Spring Family fun night
·         Art Masterpiece Classes
·         School Uniform order and supply
·         Music Masterpiece Classes
·         Yearbook design, construction and sales
·         School Spirit Committee – helping hands,  student of the month wall etc
·         Fundraising – Fall Festival, Boxtops, restaurant  evenings, SCRIP
·         100th Day Celebration
·         School enhancements - 2014/2015 purchase of    shade structure.
·         Field Day Games, Ribbons and refreshments
·         Star Student Rewards
·         Poetry Contest
·         Monthly Newsletter
·         Ice Cream Social
·         FPAC Website and email updates
·         Turkey Trot refreshments
·         Teacher Appreciation Lunches and monthly    treats

Interested?  Please find an FPAC member at school or email and we’ll answer all your questions!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

PTC week - Teacher Appreciation THANK YOU

Thank you to all the parents/guardians who have bought in food this PTC week. 
TACO Bar - a big favorite!
FPAC arrange a daily lunch for all the teachers and staff and our parent volunteers never disappoint in their generous food donations!  
"We appreciate this SO MUCH"
"Yummy - thank you for lunch"
"This is such a nice little break"
"Pasta Day - my favorite!"
"You spoil us!"
Just a few comments made this week from the teachers.


March Newsletter

The March edition of the
Benjam Franklin Jaguar Journal

Or click on the NEWSLETTER tab to the right -------------->