Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Box Tops... every little bit helps!

Hey hey hey Jaguar families!!!

We're doing GREAT on the Box Tops!  As of Nov 30, 2017, our school has brought in about $944 in Box Tops monies!  We're getting closer to our $2500 goal!  

And this year all monies collected from Box Tops will go to purchasing 
trees to line the back field!!!

Now remember... you can go to the Box Tops website

and see the school's progress as well as enter any sweepstakes there may be going on!  The website also has coupons available for products with Box Tops on them, AND you can see which products will give BONUS Box Tops!  Just log into the Box Tops website for all of that and more!

Additionally, Box Tops has a free app that you can download to your smart phone... just use the same log in for the website and you are in!

Also make sure that you specify "Benjamin Franklin Charter School Gilbert Campus" in Gilbert, AZ 85296 as the school you are supporting.

With everyone's help, we'll have it made in the shade in no time!!!