Friday, May 24, 2019

Thank you FPAC!

The last day of school... our Jaguars have been looking forward to this day since July!  LOL. They are ready to move on to their next adventure!

As excited the kids are, it's a little bit bittersweet for me.  As excited as I am to start working on the next school year, there are parents on FPAC who will be moving on as well.  These are the parents who will no longer have a child in elementary school or they are leaving FPAC for another reason.

In a world where selfies are taken more than pictures of the world around us, these are the parents who have said it wasn't about them but about the kids.   

Sure... you've probably seen me... I'm usually the one talking to you about FPAC.  But these parents were mostly behind the scenes, helping a little bit here and there.  These are the parents who made it work and kept things moving.  These are the parents who picked up slack when things needed to get done in a hurry.  These are the parents who came together, side-by-side, and got the job done.

FPAC is an amazing group!  I am so grateful that I have made the friends that I did in FPAC.  These parents came to me as FPAC Board members... but we quickly became friends.  

Thank you to my FPAC Board!  Some of you I get to work with again next year, but some of you are leaving and I will miss seeing you!

If you see an FPAC member, please tell them THANK YOU!  They have truly given of themselves to help make the kids' time at school (and my time) very enjoyable!

- Linda Wheeler, FPAC president

Monday, May 20, 2019

Last Day of School Teacher Lunches

To everyone who has signed up to bring in food this year - THANK YOU!  Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated by the teachers, staff and FPAC - you are awesome!
One final request as school ends - teachers last day of school lunch.
This year, we are going to get LARGE sub sandwiches and side items for the teachers.  This way, they will be able to grab their food and go to their room so they can finish putting things away for the summer.
FPAC is asking if you could possibly donate $5 to help offset the cost of the lunch.  We thought you might like donating funds instead of making and providing food... especially on the last day of school!
Again... THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU for your help this year!  We have enjoyed being with your Jaguar! and look forward to seeing you in July for the first day of school!