Monday, April 16, 2012

Family Fun Night - Service Project, AND MORE

Don't forget about our FAMILY FUN NIGHT service project coming up this Friday, April 20th, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.  Please make a note of what items your child(ren)'s grade(s) has been assigned to bring for the donations to Crisis Nursery and Packages From Home.  A list was sent home, but you can also view it, along with more details, HERE.  This event will be a great way to support our troops, help our children learn compassion, build school unity, and enjoy some fun bonding time!

ALSO that evening you will have the opportunity to have an ID made for your child for the "Amber Alert System," if you wish to participate.

And lastly, there will be a "Uniform Exchange."  This means you can bring any school uniforms (logo polo shirts and/or appropriate shorts) which you no longer use or your child has outgrown, to donate to other students who might need them, and/or take homes items that others donate that your child can use.  You are not required to donate items if you take any; it's just first-come-first-served. 

We hope to see you all Friday night!