BFCS Field Day- Gilbert
Field Day is
Friday, March 8th. It's a great day to spend with the kids. Sign-up to
volunteer and come join in the fun.
3rd-6th grades
will be participating from 9:00-11:00.
A.M./ P.M
Kindergarteners, 1st-2nd grades will participate from 12:45-3:00.
Field Day
cannot happen without your help. Thank
you to those of you who have already signed up to help – look forward to seeing
you Friday.
We do still
have lots of slots that we need to fill – basketball shoot, hurdles, softball
throw and lots more. Please please take
a look and see where you would be able to help out. It’s a great way to meet the other students
and enjoy the fun!
To sign up
please go to
and select where would like to help.