Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Library News - from our new Principal.

June 28, 2013

Re: BFCS Gilbert Campus Library

Dear BFCS Gilbert Campus Families,

These past few months have been full of changes here at Benjamin Franklin Charter School.  We have been excitedly awaiting the completion of our new Gilbert Campus, we have said farewell as Mr. Nicoll, our former principal, has announced his retirement, and we have welcomed a new principal.  As always, we will continue to adjust to changes as our program grows and becomes available to more families in our community.  As an organization, our dedication to quality education, our highly-regarded program, and our students and families will not waiver. 

As I have begun to assume my responsibilities as the new principal of the Gilbert Campus, an issue regarding the library has been brought to my attention.  Some families have been anxious to know if the school intends to keep the small, central library that has been a part of the campus for the past few years when we move over to the new campus.  As I have researched the situation, I found that a decision at the administrative level regarding this topic was made before construction on the new building began.  Through a series of meetings and discussions with FPAC members and the Gilbert campus leadership at the end last school year, the decision was for some reason not clearly conveyed or understood.  The administrative and construction teams were operating under the impression that the decision was known.  At a recent meeting with our BFCS executive director, Mr. Eddie Farnsworth, and Gilbert FPAC representatives, we learned that the library situation had not yet been resolved.  The remainder of this letter should help clarify any confusion on the subject. 

As the move into the new Gilbert Campus was planned, very careful consideration was given to each valuable square foot of space at the new facility.  When balancing the cost of construction compared to the mission of the school that includes all the essential aspects of the school program such as a full physical education and music program available to every family who desires to participate, the BFCS administrative and construction staff decided it was time to return to the original format of providing a library in each classroom.  With this plan, each classroom library incorporates books designed to enhance the curriculum of that particular grade level.   This means that instead of one central location for library books, each classroom will be provided with a library of quality literature, including narrative and informative texts that are specific to that grade level and age, thus keeping the academic focus centered in the classroom and the specific objectives taught in each grade.  This means that the number of books available to the students will not be reduced, but just redistributed throughout the classrooms and that library books will still be available to the students.  Keep in mind that the classrooms at BFCS have always contained libraries created to meet the specific needs of the students in each class.  The decision to return to strictly classroom libraries was made to enhance our program by providing the students immediate access to library books on a daily basis and increase the academic instruction time available to teachers and students during the week.  This model has been successful in the past at the Gilbert campus and is the model that has been successful at our other BFCS campuses.

While some may be disappointed in this change, remember that with modern technological advances and the ready availability of literature online and in local libraries, many new and existing schools are finding that central libraries in the schools are becoming an underused, unsustainable expense.  Benjamin Franklin Charter School had always placed a great emphasis on reading and providing a quality program that includes access to examples of fine literature. As we move forward, we will continue to access the needs of the students and work to improve our practices as they correlate to our goals for exceptional student achievement overall.

Thank you for your patience as we work through this summer of transition.  For the future, please know that your questions and concerns are welcome to me.  I am looking forward to becoming better acquainted with all of you as we continue the conversations that will lead to the success of each and every student.  

The Benjamin Franklin Charter School program continues to be a program with a rich history of successfully educating students.  With the support of our exceptional families and staff, Benjamin Franklin Charter School will remain a leader and role model for excellence in education.

Mrs. Diana M. Dana
Benjamin Franklin Charter School

Gilbert Campus