Thursday, August 15, 2013

What else is new at BFCS?

We have a NEW campus!

We have a NEW Principal!                           

We have some NEW teachers!                   .

We have some NEW students!   

What ELSE is NEW at BFCS??

We have a NEW school uniform shirt color - LIGHT BLUE!

Orders being taken now - please fill out the order form in the office - thank you.


Please be advised that FPAC are currently out of stock on many uniform sizes and colors, a new order has been placed and all orders will be filled in approximately 3 weeks.  

Mrs Dana is allowing collard shirts to be worn with uniform shorts until 
ll school uniform orders have been filled.  

Please remember that uniform shorts should not have cargo pockets and should be blue or tan in color.  
No other shorts are permitted as per our Dress Code.  Thank you.