Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bookworm News....

Did you know?

…The old BFCS campus housed a small central library?

…This small library housed over 5,500 books!

…FPAC funded and ran the library.

…All these books are currently boxed up and stored as there is no library at the new campus.

…At the last FPAC meeting there was a vote held on what to do with all the library books.  No point them all sitting in a cupboard!   

...FPAC voted to donate all these books to the school to be used in the classroom libraries.

…Bookcases are on back order and once they arrive and are installed in each classroom, the books will be distributed and each classroom will have a library! 

Distributing the books to the classrooms is going to be a big job, would you like to help?  Please come along to our next meeting if you are interested in helping with this task.

Mrs. Dana is always at our FPAC meetings too, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns that you would like addressed, please come along!

FPAC’s next meeting is on 

Tuesday October 1st at 1.45pm.
See you there!