Friday, January 31, 2014

Parent Conferences

BFCS Families

Parent Teacher conferences are fast approaching - please sign up here to book your appointment:-

Thank you!

January 30, 2014

Dear Parents,

It is our desire, here at BFCS, to provide our families with the best educational experience possible.  We continually strive to not only deliver an excellent education, but also provide great customer service.  With this in mind, we are excited to continue our online signup process for Parent-Teacher Conferences through  Many of you have previously utilized this website when volunteering with FPAC.  It is a user-friendly program that provides a convenient way for you to choose the best time for conferences.  This should minimize the time spent playing phone tag with teachers in dealing with scheduling conflicts.

We recommend that parents with multiple children log on sooner, rather than later.  If you do not have internet access, are unable to go online to select your conference time or have a special circumstance, please contact me to schedule your conference.  Anyone that has not schedule a conference by 3:00pm on Thursday, February 6th will be assigned a date and time.  For confidentiality purposes, your child’s name will not be displayed to others viewing the signup.

Please check your email in the next few hours for an invite from SignUpGenius.  If you do not receive the invite, it may have gone to your spam folder.  The link to access the invite is:
If you haven’t already done so, you will need to create an account which allows the program to send you an email reminder.

We are hoping for another smooth, seamless session and your patience is greatly appreciated.


Danna Macdonald
Benjamin Franklin Charter School
Gilbert Campus

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Teacher Appreciation News.....

 Last week FPAC surprised all the teachers with a snazzy new electric pencil sharpener - and the PE and Music departments will receive a little something next week.

A few comments as we delivered these were:

" Wow - really!?  The good ones!"

" You guys are awesome"

" Thank you - I need that - mine is broken!"

and we received this email from a teacher too:  " I wanted to give a long overdue thank you to all of the FPAC members. For the last 2 years I taught at the Mesa campus, but began a new chapter this year at Gilbert. I cannot say thank you enough for everything you have done to support us teachers!"

Thank you for the Thank You's teachers!


Parent Teacher Conference Week - lunches for teachers


FPAC General Helpers

PTC Week, 18-21 Feb

We are preparing for Parent Teacher Conference week - while the teachers are so busy with conferences, FPAC are busy arranging daily lunches for all the teachers and staff.
Please  sign up to bring in your dishes .
Lunch starts at 11am daily so we ask that you please have your dishes to the office by 10.30 so we can set up and make sure everything is ready.  Any cold plates (salads, meats, cheeses etc) can be brought in the day before after 3pm when you pick up your children.
FPAC will be in daily to clean up so any bowls/plates you bring in will be ready for pick up the day after.  Please label any dishes, utensils etc so we can make sure they get back to you.
Thank you all in advance for making this week a success!  The teachers truly appreciate these lunches!
- FPAC -


Monday, January 27, 2014

Weekly News

100th Day of School

For those of you who missed all the fun this morning... 

Mrs Hutchison made everyone laugh as she 'turned 100' today - what a good sport she is!

THANK you to Menolly Nield for the wonderful posters.

- FPAC - 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Its Voting Time!

Its that time of the year where we need to gather nominations for the FPAC board for 2014/2015 school year.

  • Would you like to get involved?  
  • Help with activities?  
  • Help put together the yearbook, newsletter, Family Fun Nights or Field Day?  
  • Support our staff and teachers?
  • Or do you know someone who you think would be a great asset to the FPAC board?

Please submit the names of individuals you would like to nominate for the 2014-2015 FPAC Board. 

This is for 8 general board members.  The 4 officers are nominated separately.   

NOTES:  You may nominate yourself or someone else, but all nominees must be parents of students at BFCS Gilbert Campus.  You may make multiple nominations but you must submit a separate form for each individual.

DEADLINE:  Nominations will only be accepted until FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st.

Please nominate here  - thank you!

- FPAC -

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

100th Day Celebration

Monday will mark our 100th day at school!

To celebrate, FPAC will release 100 balloons at flag ceremony.

Each child who has been at school for 100 days will receive a certificate at flag ceremony.

If you can help inflate the balloons on Monday morning please sign up here - we are also looking for some fun, decorative posters to be made that we can hang around campus.  

Thank you!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Stuco Elections

FPAC would like to wish all the candidates running for STUCO positions all the best of luck today presenting their speeches.  

The posters look fantastic - great job!

Speaking In front of a group of your peers is is difficult, but it is not impossible. Preparation,practice and presentation - the 3 P's - is what our candidates have been working on all week and they will all do a great job!

The new Stuco President, Vice President, treasurer and secretary will be announced at flag ceremony on Monday.

Good luck everyone!

Please help keep our campus clean

Friday morning, it's early and there are only 3 cars in the parking lot.  A parent arrives and kindly picks up all the debris from the floor - a whole grocery bag filled with wrappers, Capri sun pouches and McDonald's breakfast bags.

Please be conscious of what falls out of the cars when the doors are open - lets keep our campus clean and tidy and trash free - thank you!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

5th grade presents......

Project Planet - a solar system spectacular!!

Fabulous job 5th grade!

Super swings!

Look what we got!!  Being installed, sand is coming's all happening!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Please join us.....

Please come along to the FPAC meeting on Tuesday night from 6.30pm.  

We are having an evening meeting to try and accommodate the working families.  

You are welcome to bring your children but please bring an activity that they can quietly enjoy while we all talk and plan exciting things!

And agenda will be posted on Monday.  

Thank you.  FPAC.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy Friday!

Much excitement around campus as the new grass is being laid - Mrs Dana even did a happy dance at flag and had all the students join in! 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Look what arrived today.....!

Tuesday Meeting 6.30pm

FPAC Meeting

Tuesday 14th January


Everyone Welcome!

Agenda items include Principals message, FPAC President message, Family Fun Night planning, Field Day planning, upcoming events and open floor for questions/concerns/comments/feedback.

See you Tuesday!


Friday, January 3, 2014

Happppppy New Year!

2014 is here!  We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 7th....!

Mark your calendars for the FPAC meeting on Jan 14th at 6.30pm

Our January FPAC Meeting will be held in the evening to accommodate the schedules of our working parents - we will be planning the 100th day celebration and starting our work for Field Day in March. We will address parent concerns & comments and Mrs. Dana will be there to answer any questions and welcome feedback.  

See you there!

If you are interested in helping with Januarys Teacher Appreciation surprise please email for more details...thanks!

 - FPAC -