Its Voting Time!
Its that time of the year where we need to gather nominations for the FPAC board for 2014/2015 school year.
- Would you like to get involved?
- Help with activities?
- Help put together the yearbook, newsletter, Family Fun Nights or Field Day?
- Support our staff and teachers?
- Or do you know someone who you think would be a great asset to the FPAC board?
Please submit the names of individuals you would like to nominate for the 2014-2015 FPAC Board.
This is for 8 general board members. The 4 officers are nominated separately.
NOTES: You may nominate yourself or someone else, but all nominees must be parents of students at BFCS Gilbert Campus. You may make multiple nominations but you must submit a separate form for each individual.
DEADLINE: Nominations will only be accepted until FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st.
Please nominate here - thank you!
- FPAC -