Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nominee News.....


There are 6 board positions open this year.

Elections will be held on:

Tuesday, March 4, 20141:45 p.m. at BFCS Gilbert Campus

If you cannot be present to vote, please contact 

fpacgilbert@gmail.com to cast an absentee ballot.


Sonnet Boulton:

Sonnet has been at BFCS for 4 years and has volunteered in the classroom as much as
possible. She has spent 2 years as a classroom volunteer for Music Masterpiece, has
helped with Field Day, and worked various booths at the Fall Festival. She currently has
a 2nd grader and a 4th grader at BFCS and will have a kindergartener next year as
well. Sonnet says, "I like being involved in my children's school and helping and
volunteering in the community. I love Benjamin Franklin and all that it stands for and
would love to help even more to make sure the activities run smoothly."

Alice DeWitt:

Alice has been at BFCS for 10 years and her youngest child is in 4th grade. She has
served on the FPAC board for 6 years, including 2 years as Treasurer and 3 years as Vice
President, and 6 years as coordinator for the Art & Music Masterpiece program, and 3
years as the library coordinator. She has also volunteered in the classroom as a teacher
helper for many years, and taught Art Masterpiece and Music Masterpiece in the
classroom for 9 years. She has also served for 10+ years serving the children and youth
of her church as a teacher, Cub Scout leader, music leader, and president of the
children's programs. Alice says, "I love BFCS and all it stands for. My children have had a
wonderful experience here and received an excellent education. The great
environment can be attributed to the great families and parents who take the time to
be involved in their children's education, and I hope to continue to be part of that."

Caryn Jacobs:

Caryn is currently serving as a Music Masterpiece classroom volunteer and enjoying
helping with class parties. She also worked as a playground aide several years ago at
BFCS and loved working with the kids. She has been at BFCS for 6 years and currently
has children in 3rd and 5th grades. She say, "I would love to be able to be more
involved in the activities and would like to help with the yearbook if possible. I have
avoided getting involved in FPAC due to the time commitment, but I believe I am at a
better point in my life where I can be of assistance."

Max Lake:

Max is new to BFCS this year, but she is not new to volunteer work. She has medical
training and has volunteered at multiple healthcare centers around the valley,
including Phoenix Children's Hospital and Mesa Health Clinic. She was very active in her
2nd grader's previous school and wants to continue this at BFCS. Max says, "I enjoy
taking an active role in shaping my son's academic career, and I feel I can best do this
as well as serve his fellow students in a position on the FPAC board. I believe I would be
an asset to his campus and would like the ability to impact the success of BFCS

Heather McLesky:

Heather has served as a volunteer in various capacities at school, church, and in the
community, including 2 years as organizer for a quilting guild in Utah, 3 years as
marketing and grant specialist with STCPA (East Valley performing arts organization),
and as indexer and arbitrator for electronic indexing of genealogy records for
FamilySearch.org. This is her 9th year with BFCS and her youngest of 3 children is now in
kindergarten. She says, "I want to support our school and the opportunities it affords our
students. I have found that over the years, the kinds of work teachers can have their
volunteers perform has been restricted, and I think this would be a good way to give
back in a meaningful way."

Melody Nelson:

Melody has taught Art Masterpiece and Music Masterpiece at BFCS for 5 years, and has
also spent many hours as a classroom volunteer including reading to the students,
decorating doors, assisting with parties and doing art projects. She also served for
several years on the committee to read and review library books for BFCS. She has
been at BFCS for 5 years and has children in 1st, 3rd and 6th grades. Melody says, "I
believe I have something to offer in loaning a helping hand to the events FPAC
sponsors. Ben Franklin is a great school and it will be nice to expand my volunteer time
to contribute in ways outside of the classroom. I so enjoy working for a good cause,
especially ones that benefits not only mine, but all the students at Ben Franklin. Its a
great environment to spend time in and I look forward to being a more integral part of

Amy Petersen:

Amy has volunteered at BFCS over the last 5 years in several capacities, including
teaching Music Masterpiece and helping with Field Day and Fall Festival. She has also
spent 9 years as a youth volunteer, teacher, coordinator and music director for her
church, as well as a Cub Scout leader. She has 3 children at BFCS and she says, "Being
on the FPAC board will help me to be more involved in my children's schooling,
acquaint me with the teachers and staff more and allow me to give back and help out
like so many have done before for my children and our school. This is an opportunity to
help continue the great programs that FPAC works so hard to do."