Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Water Bottles!


To promote drinking more water in the warmer weather, FPAC have bought each student a rather snazzy BPA free sports water bottle and your children will be bringing it home tonight. 

Please make sure before they bring it to school that you properly wash it before use and WRITE THEIR NAMES ON IT.  There are 450+ bottles all the same and we don’t want any mix ups!

Thank you!


Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Sing!

Spring Sing is Monday!

28th April, 6pm

Children should wear red, white and blue, or school uniform, and meet at the basketball court at 5.45

Families – bring a blanket or chair and a picnic and make yourself comfortable on the field, its going to be a great Spring Sing!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Whats been going on at our campus....

A HUGE thank you to You Fit for donating four 6ft trees to our school - a fantastic Earth Day surprise!

These have been planted in the back playground and will eventually grow and provide a lovely shaded area for our students to enjoy at recess.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Recycling With A Purpose

Recycling With A Purpose

Gilbert-area schools teamed with the East Valley Recycling Alliance, including the Town of Gilbert, TREX and Bashas’ grocery stores, to “Bench the Bag” – a contest to collect soft plastic bags which can cause havoc to recycling machinery when placed in blue recycling containers.

On April 22 (Earth Day), Penny Minkalis was on site at Benjamin Franklin Charter School to honor a few students from that school. "You all did a great job collecting bags", she said, "but a couple of your students exceeded expectations". Among those students were Brooklyn Montgomery, Kiriko Westover, and Amber Tingue, who was by far the largest individual contributor to the bag drive across all 26,000 plus participants. She collected over 6,000 bags, which was nearly twenty times the average student. When asked how she gathered so many bags, Amber responded, "I started by going door to door throughout my neighborhood and just asking for any bags I could get." " After that my sister Autumn and I asked local businesses if we could solicit their customers for their recyclable bags and several companies agreed to let us do so", she stated.  

Between February 1st and March 28th, 19 Gilbert-area schools collected 827,362 grocery bags and other soft film plastics totaling over six tons in weight. No longer destined for the landfill, the plastics have become a sought-after commodity that can be used to create new products including clothing and faux wood.  Collectively, more than 70 schools in six municipalities collected approximately 15 tons of soft plastics – aiding the long term sustainability of community landfills.

Benjamin Franklin Elementary Principal, Diana Dana stated her pleasure with her students at the ceremony, by saying, "You all should be proud of your efforts. You continued to collect up to the very last day and never stopped believing you could win the contest". Although Benjamin Franklin is half the size of the winning school they gave a very close race to Imagine West.

Imagine West of Gilbert was the winning school, collecting 1,761 pounds or 3.24 pounds for every student enrolled. In recognition of Imagine West’s significant achievement, the school will receive a TREX bench made of recycled plastics. Ben Franklin Elementary, Power Ranch Elementary and Augusta Ranch Elementary also received an honorable mention for the high volume collected.

The idea of the program was to raise awareness for recycling among all age groups to promote a healthier environment. From the turnout of this years group effort, it looks as though giant steps have be taken towards that cause. We were remind by the highly productive sixth grader from Benjamin Franklin, Amber Tingue just how far we have to go however. "It's really nice to see all the schools efforts for this contest," she said, "but everyone has to know that true recycling has to become a way of life, if we want to see a change."

Picture Below (from left to right) Penny Minkalis (Town of Gilbert), Olivia Seawell (BFCS facility), Brooklyn Montgomery (2nd Grade BFCS), Kiriko Westover (6th Grade BFCS), Dortha Lane (6th Grade Teacher), Amber Tingue (6th Grade BFCS/Contest Winner), Diana Dana (BFCS Principal) 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Breakfast - yummy!

Thank you to everyone who bought in breakfast foods on Tuesday.  FPAC laid on a breakfast for all the teachers and staff, just because!

French toast, pastries, fresh fruit and juice - only the best for our teachers!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014

Aims Info From Mrs Dana

For each class that has perfect attendance, including zero tardies, next week Monday through Thursday, we will have a movie and popcorn party in the gym on Friday afternoon from 2:15-3:00pm

Note from Mrs. Dana:  

As stated in this letter,  attendance and punctuality are absolutely essential during testing week.  Students perform better on tests when they are in a familiar environment with a proctor who is a familiar person.  

We all need to pull together as parents and teachers to help our students feel calm and prepared.  Testing time should never be about pressure and anxiety, but more about an opportunity to, 
“show what you know”. 
 We will take this approach next week as we cheer the students on with encouraging activities and fun incentives. 

To help encourage our students be here at school on time each day, we have set up an all-school incentive program.

We will project a short movie onto the wall, students may bring a favorite pillow or blanket to sit with, we will pass out Harkins popcorn to enjoy, and… we just might test out the new sound system and dance for a minute or two just to celebrate the end of an exciting week!  

Absences due to illness will not be counted against the class tally.  Any other absences will be decided on a case by case basis and the principal will have the final decision.  All tardies will count!  

Thanks for your support and let’s make it a successful week!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

AIMS - Lets do this!

Aims testing for our 
3th – 6th graders 
is next week!

Ingredients for a well prepared BFCS student:-

1.        A good nights sleep.
2.        Eat a healthy breakfast.
3.        DO NOT BE LATE TO SCHOOLLate students will not be permitted to take the test with the class and must make up the test at a later date.

All BFCS students are academically prepared for this test, so please remind your child not to stress. 

All the students need to do now
 is their very best! 

For more information on the AIMS test and see how our school is ranked an “A” school you can visit:

Check out our rankings, gather information, and leave a positive comment about our school at:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Fools!

Wow - it seems that there were plenty of April Fools jokes played yesterday! 

Mrs Dana announced that new equipment should be arriving in the playground but that means no one can play on the playground for the rest of the year.....APRIL FOOLS!!


Seems there was an interesting condiment in the fridge!?  

And the teachers all had a little fun with their classes too.......

Did your teacher play an April Fools on you?  Tell us about it and we'll post the stories on this website!  Send your story to 


Fun Days ;-)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Its getting warmer.....

Remember to send a water bottle in with your students….

….staying hydrated is very important!