Friday, April 4, 2014

Aims Info From Mrs Dana

For each class that has perfect attendance, including zero tardies, next week Monday through Thursday, we will have a movie and popcorn party in the gym on Friday afternoon from 2:15-3:00pm

Note from Mrs. Dana:  

As stated in this letter,  attendance and punctuality are absolutely essential during testing week.  Students perform better on tests when they are in a familiar environment with a proctor who is a familiar person.  

We all need to pull together as parents and teachers to help our students feel calm and prepared.  Testing time should never be about pressure and anxiety, but more about an opportunity to, 
“show what you know”. 
 We will take this approach next week as we cheer the students on with encouraging activities and fun incentives. 

To help encourage our students be here at school on time each day, we have set up an all-school incentive program.

We will project a short movie onto the wall, students may bring a favorite pillow or blanket to sit with, we will pass out Harkins popcorn to enjoy, and… we just might test out the new sound system and dance for a minute or two just to celebrate the end of an exciting week!  

Absences due to illness will not be counted against the class tally.  Any other absences will be decided on a case by case basis and the principal will have the final decision.  All tardies will count!  

Thanks for your support and let’s make it a successful week!