Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What does FPAC stand for....?

FPAC stands for Franklin Parent Advisory Council.  

Other schools have a PTO – we have FPAC.   

We organize, fund and run some excellent school events and programs including Field Day, Art & Music masterpiece lessons (runs for 8 weeks each during art time), publication of the yearbook, Teacher Appreciation, Book Club and much more!  We meet monthly to discuss upcoming events and how we can help at school, address any parent concerns and have updates on each committee.  Everyone is welcome and we encourage you to try and come along.   

Would you like to know a little about the board this year?  Let us introduce ourselves:-

Julie Akin – President.  Mom to Samantha  - 6th grade, KJ - 4th grade,  Brock - 2nd grade
Jen Whorley – Vice President.  Mom to Ben - 5th grade
Helen Verplanke – Treasurer.  Mum to Kirstin - 6th grade
Alice DeWitt – Mom to Jack - 5th grade
Natalie Hunt –Mom to Andy and Pete – 2nd  grade
Sonnett Boulton – Mom to Addie – 5th  grade, Sadie – 3rd  grade, Jade- kinder 
Heather McLeskey – Mum to Sadie – 1st grade
Laura Krizan – Mom to Calvin 6th grade and Sadie 3rd grade
Melody Nelson - Mom to Taft – 4th grade, Brigham -2nd  grade
Max Lechner - mom to Luke Nielsen -3rd grade
Shelley Linford - mom to Carson -4th grade,  Jace -2nd  grade

During registration you signed up to help with various FPAC committees.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU.

Thank you to everyone for coming out to the Ice Cream Social and a huge thank you to the “scoopers.”  We hope you know how much we appreciate your help.

FPAC have many things in the planning: the big event – the Fall Festival – is set for Saturday, Nov 1.  New art masterpiece lessons have been introduced this year, and our Save for Shade campaign is in full swing.  Along with all the other activities FPAC run we are keeping busy!

Please follow us on our website:  http://fpacgilbert.blogspot.com/ for all upcoming events and updates.  You can view newsletters, meeting minutes and much more!

We look forward to this school year and thank you advance for all your help and support.  BFCS is the best place to be!

-          FPAC   -