Wednesday, February 18, 2015

FPAC Updates

Harkins Summer Movie Tickets:  The first order was placed today and we are proud to announce we made about $440!. 
Deadline for orders is Feb 27th.  You can download your order form HERE

Thank you to Red Card Target shoppers – we received a check for $330 this quarter!  Thank you!  If you have a Target red card, you can link it up to our school and Target will donate to FPAC  quarterly – you can link your card HERE.

Shade update:  At the Christmas concert we announced that a deposit has been made on a shade structure.  Permits are being obtained, the structure is almost complete and we hope to see the installation in the next 6 weeks!

Thank you to our amazing families who have supported the Save for Shade campaign this year.  The ‘free funding’ programs like Target Red Card, Frys VIP, Amazon Smile are underway and money is earned as you shop.  The restaurant evenings have been a big hit and we are planning another soon.  Wall of Shade, recycle drives, Harkins movie passes – all fundraisers that are fun, easy and optional – and we will have a new shade soon as a result of your support.

BFCS is a great place to be!

Clothing drive is next Thursday!  Feb 26th.  Clothes, textiles  and shoes will be collected  under the red tent, and household items will be collected under the blue tent.  Please tell your families and friends…..good time for a spring clean J.  For a full list of what can and cannot be accepted, please click HERE

Teacher Appreciation Committee are busy preparing a week of luncheons during PTC week, we have had lots of parents sign up (TAHNK YOU!) but we still have some slots to be filled – please consider signing up here to treat our teachers during this busy week.  Thank you in advance.

Please consider joining FPAC next year, we are actively looking for several dedicated, fun-loving parents to join the board for the 2015/2016 year.  If you are interested in helping with planning events (field day, fall festival, family fun nights etc) and organizing and/or running various FPAC activities (yearbook, newsletters, teacher appreciation, art & music masterpiece etc) please email or talk to any of the current FPAC board members.  Love your childs school?  Love the education?  Want to be more involved?  Join us - its fun and rewarding!

Thank you – FPAC