Friday, April 10, 2015

FPAC Election News


Elections for the 2015-2016 FPAC Board will be held on Thursday, April 16th at 8:45 a.m. in Room 1.

There are 6 open board positions that will be filled at that time.

Please see below for information about the candidates.

If you would like to be a candidate you must submit your name by Monday, April 13th along with some information about yourself.

If you would like to vote but are unable to attend the election you may request an absentee ballot before Wednesday, April 15th.  Candidates do not have to be present at the election.

For more information, contact:
Alice DeWitt, FPAC Elections Chairperson 

for 2015- 2016 Board Positions


Krista Butler  - I have a Kindergartner coming to BFCS for the 2015-2016 school year, and have no other children attending. I have not had the opportunity to volunteer with any boards but I am currently a secretary over one of my church programs and have been for 4 years. I would really like to be on the FPAC board because I want to help create fun experiences for the kids; to help them learn and grow but most of all help them make a lasting impression on life and much fun it can be!

Aaron Howard - This is our first year at BFCS. I have 1 kindergartener. I have been volunteering at Damien's school for 2 years now and also volunteer for some of his youth sports league. I would like to help organize various events throughout the year and I may be able to help out with the yearbook next year if there is a need for a graphic designer.

Michelle Jones - We've been at BFCS for a year and a half. I have a first grader right now and next year I will also have a kindergartner. I try to volunteer at the school for as much as I can for each event or activity. In my younger years, in college, I was Treasure of my graduating class. My senior year I served as co-president of the programs student board. Both jobs involved planning and organizing fundraisers and other events. I'd like to be on the FPAC board to be able to help out a little more in the planning and organizing of the school events. I like to know what's going on and help where I can.

Misty Polanco - I am a mother of 5.... 4 of those attended BFCS. I currently have a 3rd grader and kindergartener attending now and my youngest will attend in another year. I have been a volunteer in classrooms and with work sent home. This last basketball season I volunteered with the booster club for my son's basketball team at Mesquite high and coached my daughter's volleyball team at Heritage. I also coach my childrens' sports at YMCA and enjoy being part of a team.

Linda Wheeler - I am a small business owner and karate enthusiast. Before becoming a SAH/WAHM, I worked in Marketing for an international broker/dealer, which included event planning as well as working with vendors to get the best deals for the company representatives. I also was the assistant editor for the company magazine, both print and online content. I am testing for my first black belt very shortly with my 6th grader. I have also medaled in several karate tournaments. I have 3 kids, all of whom attend the Gilbert campus. My children have been attending BFCS- Gilbert for the last 7 years. I have volunteered in the classrooms and have also enjoyed teaching Music and Art Masterpiece for many years. I have also enjoyed volunteering more in the last couple of years helping FPAC.

Justine Wheeler - This next school year will be our first at BFCS with 1 incoming kindergartener. I am currently the Young Women's camp director for my church. Last year I was the assistant. I devote many hours to our churches youth program. I've served in many church jobs. I've been on many of my children's sports committees. FPAC to me is a perfect opportunity for me to get involved in the school. I firmly believe that parent involvement helps make for a better school experience.

Jen Whorley - I have been at BFCS for 8 years. My oldest child, Jake, is in Jr. High now, but attended BFCS for Kindergarten through sixth grade, and my youngest child, Ben, is in 4th grade. I have been a member of FPAC for 3 years and served as the Vice President for the past 2 years. During my  time with FPAC I have been responsible for the Silent Auction and Raffle at the Fall Festival, the FPAC newsletter, and the Health Screening. I have assisted with coordinating many other activities too including Field Day this past year. I love volunteering in the classrooms and have done that for years. I taught Music Masterpiece a few years ago and Art Masterpiece the past 2 years. We love BFCS and the community here! My children have received a great education, both in the classroom and outside of it at BFCS. I really believe that the activities FPAC does here play a large role in bringing the community together and in helping the school develop well-rounded students. And I hope to continue to be a part of that.