Monday, March 7, 2016

The COLOR RUN is coming!!!

Spring Family Fun Night is the Color Run again this year!!!

EVERYONE is invited to come and participate!  Adults and siblings alike!
When:  Thursday, March 31, 2016
5pm- picnic dinner (bring your dinner to picnic on the field!!!)
6pm- RUN!!!
Where:  Here at BFCS-Gilbert
Cost:  Wristbands are $2 per running/track participant
See the registration/order form for shirt prices
(Orders for shirts MUST be turned in by Friday, March 11, 2016.  Registrations will be accepted up to the event.)
Powdered paint to throw will be available to purchase at the event for $1/bag.

Parents: this is NOT a fundraiser.  Wristband cost is to cover insurance for this event.  Shirt and paint prices are also just covering cost.

Waivers are required by the insurance company.  Waivers for this event are separate and must be signed by an adult.  Waivers will be available at the registration table at the event.