Friday, September 2, 2016

Parent Teacher Conference Lunches

Do you have what it takes?
Do you have a dish that leaves your family and friends begging for more?

Here's your chance to show it!  It's time for the COOK-OFF!!!

Next week (Sept 6-9) is Parent-Teacher Conferences!  The teachers and staff are here early and stay late so that they can talk to you, the parents!  To show our appreciation for all that they do, we provide their lunches during the week.

Each day has a theme AND a cook-off challenge item.  The teachers and staff vote for their favorite challenge item and the winner each day will receive a $10 gift card for Dairy Queen!

The themes and challenge items are:
Tuesday- Taco Tuesday!  Challenge item- best salsa or guacamole
Wednesday- Hoagie Day!  Challenge item- best side dish
Thursday- Wings and Things!  Challenge item- best wing sauce (bring a quart!)
Friday- Pizza Day!  Challenge item- best dessert

We still have some open slots that we would love to get filled.  If you are able to, we would love for you to make a little something for the lunches!  Below is the link to the SignUp Genius page so you can sign up to bring a little something for the teachers.

Thank you so much for helping!!!

Link to Parent-Teacher Conference lunch sign-up