Monday, February 13, 2017

2017-2018 FPAC Board Elections are coming!

It’s that time of the year!  We’re looking for BFCS parents who would love to get a little more involved with all of the AWESOMENESS that is FPAC!!!

But what does FPAC do?  Here are just a few things that FPAC does for the students and school

·      Teacher Appreciation
·      Fall Festival
·      Field Day
·      Art and Music Masterpiece
·      Ice Cream Social
·      Family Fun Night
·      Poetry Recitation Contest
·      Art Closet
·      Box Tops
·      Spirit Committee
·      Health Screenings
·      Uniforms
·      Volunteer Appreciation

FPAC is starting to look for parents who are interested in being a part of the 2017-18 Board.  Remember, we don't ask for a lot of your time, just what you are willing to give.

So if you are interested or just need some more information, GO to your computer (or phone) and email FPAC at