Monday, October 30, 2017

Hey hey hey Jaguar families!!!
We’ve fallen back into a nice school routine after Fall Break, so now we’re shaking things up a bit with the Fall Festival!
Fall Festival is THIS Saturday, November 4th from 1pm-4pm here at the school.
As per tradition, every class will have either a game booth or event or station that can be called their own. What this means is that we need parent or teen volunteers to help man the booths. While having parents help out with the booths is awesome, FPAC knows that families have teens that would love to earn service hours for the various organizations they are a part of. FPAC will gladly sign for teen service hours for jobs well done!  The teens will need to bring their sheet from their organization to Linda Wheeler (she's going to be in the gym that day with Silent Auction) and she will sign for their service hours.
Class game booths and events or stations will be staffed every 30 minutes from 1-4pm that Saturday. Ideally we would like to have 2 volunteers at each class booth/event per 30 minute time slot. Again, volunteers can be either parents or teens.
To get parent/teen volunteers, we have set up a Signup Genius link for each class so that the parent(s) can sign themselves or their teen(s) up to help. 
 If there are no volunteers during a time slot, the class booth will need to be closed until another volunteer comes.
Also happening this week… Fall Festival wristbands will be sold before and after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!  During the 3-day presale, wristbands are $7.  (Please note- wristbands will not be sold on Friday.)  Wrist bands will be available on the day of the Fall Festival for $10.  Concession tickets and raffle tickets will also be available to purchase.
The Silent Auction and Raffle will be in the gym during the Fall Festival, as will the Book Fair!  If you have a business and would like to donate to the silent auction and raffle it's not too late... please contact the FPAC president, Linda Wheeler (  The Silent Auction and Raffle helps to fund everything the FPAC does throughout the year (like Color Run, 100th Day Celebration, teacher appreciation, Field Day items…), so that our children don't have to sell cookie dough, wrapping paper, or go door-to-door doing sales.
Back by popular demand… Kiss the Pig!  Here's the deal… Monday during the school day there will be coin vortexes set up in the school by the doors to the courtyard.  If we, as a school, can raise $50 for Feed My Starving Children, then Mrs. Dana has, once again, agreed to kiss a pig (well… a little pig!) during flag ceremony!  YAY!!!  The coin vortexes will be available from Monday through Saturday, so let your kids bring in some coins!
Bringing items in for the class baskets has been extended to Tuesday!  YAY!  Please consider donating an item to your child's class basket for the silent auction.
We’re so excited for the upcoming Fall Festival! If you have any questions you can ask the FPAC president, Linda Wheeler or the FPAC VP, Sherron Stone (… or you can route questions through the ladies in the front office and they will get the questions to Linda if the ladies in the office don’t already know the answer.
Please find and use the link below to sign up for a 30 minute shift at your child's class booth!  Feeling adventurous?  Check out other stations where we need help… like in the Book Fair or Concessions.  Can't make it to the Fall Festival but would still like to help?  You might like wrapping a class basket!  We could also use cupcakes for the Cupcake Walk!  Just buy or bake and send them in!
Set Up and Clean Up

Cupcake Walk
Book Fair

Miss Sarah Roy

Mrs. Tiffany Nielsen

Mrs. Becky Willis

Ms. Taylor Zamudio

Miss Meagan Michalko

Miss Kristin Dau   

Ms. Copper Link 

Miss Suzie Mac

Mrs. Kim Stephens

Mr. Emmett Abel

Miss Katie Lochner

Mrs. Christi Jensen

Ms. Merly Karsom

Ms. Ashley Martin

Mrs. Kelly Ballard

Mrs. Vickey Roa

Mrs. Melody Nelson

Mrs. Carmella McNeill

Mrs. Morgan Hutchison

Mrs. Dortha Lane     
(no sign up link- booth staffed by students)

Ms. Heidi Anderson