Tuesday, April 17, 2018

FMSC... the numbers are in!

April 16, 2018... Another awesome meal packing night at Feed My Starving Children!  A lot of boxes of food packed again!  How many? you ask...

151 boxes of food!  And remember... each box contains 36 of those meal packs, and each meal pack has 6 servings of food. So that's 32,616 meals that was packed last night!!!  That translates into 89 kids being fed for an entire year!  

There are a lot of very lucky kids in the Philippines who will have meals very soon because of the generosity of our Jaguars!  Thank you Jaguars!

But how about this... combining the two nights we packed, here are our totals...
Total boxes packed... 281!!!
Total meals packed... 60,696!!!
Kids fed for an entire year... 165!!!

WOW!!!  This is what happens when we work side-by-side with each other!  We have shown our children that we can touch and change lives!  Thank you Jaguar families!