Monday, November 5, 2018

It's time for HARKINS!!!  
And YOU can get your 2019 Harkins items early!!!

FPAC is taking orders for the Harkins Loyalty Cups, Popcorn Perks and $25 gift cards!

If you are planning on going to a Harkins theater anytime in 2019, would you consider purchasing your Harkins Loyalty Cup, Popcorn Perks or even a gift certificate from your FPAC?

The students will be coming home with order forms... please fill it out and return it to the front office with your payment no later than Tuesday, November 13th.  All forms will be collected after school on Tuesday, November 13th and the order will be placed before we go onto Thanksgiving Break.  
All orders will be delivered the week after Thanksgiving Break.

Cash and checks accepted.  Please make checks out to FPAC- Gilbert.  
Card payments accepted in the mornings before school.  Please contact Linda Wheeler ( to arrange to meet.

Thank you for your support!