Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Keep collecting Box Tops!

We are in the home stretch!  10 more days to collect Box Tops for THIS school year!

Friday, February 22 is the last day to turn in Box Tops for the 2018-2019 school year!  And we are pushing for our best month ever in Box Top collection!

In fact, you can save money on the annual Color Run by turning in Box Tops!  For every 5 Box Tops you turn in with your Color Run registration, you get $1 off your wristband price!  Turn the Box Tops in with your Color Run registration.  
AND!!!  The Box Tops turned in will still count towards the class competition!

But please be aware... we can not turn in expired Box Tops.  The above picture is from January 2019... there are over 200 Box Tops piled up in that picture.  
Those are the Box Tops collected in January that are expired.  The Box Tops organization has, in the past, not given out the Box Tops earned checks due to an abundance of expired Box Tops...  OH NO!  We want to make sure that this does not happen to us!  
Please make sure that the Box Tops you send in are not expired.

Any Box Tops turned in after the deadline will go towards the next school year (2019-2020) so we will still collect those Box Tops!