FALL FESTIVAL, our annual fundraiser, is coming up very soon on Saturday, November 5th. All the proceeds from this event directly support our school to fund events, activities and programs.
We can't make this important event happen without all of you! We need volunteers to help in 30 minute shifts during the event. (If you can work a full hour that would be appreciated too, but if everyone helps that won't be necessary!) Please take a look at the list below, find a spot where you can help, and then contact the committee chairperson listed.
CONCESSIONS: Help with the "sale" of concessions by taking tickets and handing out items.
SHIFTS AVAILABLE (30 min. each):
1:00 - 6 helpers needed
1:30 - 6 helpers needed
2:00 - 6 helpers needed
2:30 - 6 helpers needed
3:00 - 6 helpers needed
3:30 - 6 helpers needed
CONTACT: rlyn21@hotmail.com (Randa Canter)
BALLOONS: Tying helium balloons
SHIFTS AVAILABLE (30 min. each):
1:00 - 1 helper needed
1:30 - 1 helper needed
2:00 - 1 helper needed
2:30 - 1 helper needed
3:00 - 1 helper needed
3:30 - 1 helper needed
CONTACT: angiemoyer@hotmail.com
CUPCAKE WALK: Help run the "Cupcake Walk" event
SHIFTS AVAILABLE (30 min. each):
1:00 - 2 helpers needed
1:30 - 2 helpers needed
2:00 - 3 helpers needed
2:30 - 3 helpers needed
3:00 - 1 helper needed
3:30 - 1 helper needed
CONTACT: alicedewitt@gmail.com
PARKING: Guide arriving cars to parking spots, etc.
SHIFTS AVAILABLE (30 min. each):
1:00 - 1 volunteer needed
1:30 - 1 volunteer needed
2:00 - 3 volunteers needed
2:30 - 3 volunteers needed
3:00 - 3 volunteers needed
CONTACT: geoffnjen@hotmail.com (Jennifer Lewis)