Monday, October 31, 2011

Poetry Contest Reminder

Annual BFCS Poetry Recitation Contest
    WHEN:  November 9, 2011 at 3:15pm in the Multi-purpose room

    ABOUT:  The Poetry Recitation contest is sponsored by FPAC and is supported through your FPAC dues and the Fall Festival Fund Raiser. Each year, students from first through sixth grade compete by reciting from memory a high-quality, grade-appropriate poem that they have selected. A winner and an alternate is selected from each grade and will receive a medal. Each first place winner will also have the opportunity to recite his or her poem on December 1, 2011 atf the Christmas Program.  Each child that participates will receive a certificate.

    HOW TO ENTER:  The official entry form was sent home with each child and is also available hereAll entry's are due to the office by November 7, 2011.   The Poetry Recitation Contest is not a writing contest; the poem recited should not be an original work.  Instead, students should select a high quality, grade appropriate poem.  Keep in mind, poems assigned in class may not be used.  In addition, the poem recitation should not exceed three (3) minutes.  While poems may be selected from any source, Mr. Nichol reserves the right to reject a poem based on content/appropriateness.

JUDGING CRITERIA:  Students will be judged on their memorization skills and their delivery of the poem.  Characteristics evaluated include voice quality (including inflection, articulation, volume, and speed); physical presence (including eye contact and posture); and interpretation of the poem (including appropriateness of dramatization and gestures).

    QUESTIONS?  Please contact Angela Elting at