Saturday, October 26, 2013

Help Needed!

BFCS Families,

With the Fall Festival just a week away, FPAC are really struggling for volunteers to run....well, just about everything!

Please please please contact us if you are able to volunteer just 30 minutes of your time.  You can email us at or you can sign up to one of these online sign ups:-

Book Fair -

Concessions - We have NOONE to work concessions yet, selling drinks and snacks - please email if you can help, or sign up here:

Set up/Clean up -

Ticket Sales -

Games - each class is in charge of a game or event, to date there are only 2 classes who have filled all the slots for volunteers.  Please contact if you can help!

Can you bring in a dozen cupcakes for the cakewalk?  Email and let her know.

The Fall Festival requires a great deal of organizing and cannot run without everyones help.

To those of you who have already signed up - THANK YOU!!  THANK YOU!!

PLEASE - lets make this a great fun filled day.  
Thanks, FPAC