Wednesday, October 2, 2013

News from FPAC....

Mr Farnsworth came along to the FPAC meeting on Tuesday - a pleasant surprise indeed.  (Mr Farnsworth runs the business side of all the BFCS campuses for those who aren't familiar with him.)

He was very detailed in answering questions and explaining the delays regarding the playground - we even saw a sneak peak of the layout design - exciting!  

THIS sort of Pork Chop!
Not this type of Pork Chop!

We discussed the parking lot, had an explanation of the arrival of the 'pork chop' and those arrows that all face the same way.   

He shared plans for:-

 - the stage, which will see the arrival of a dividing wall so Mr Blau can teach music in his own space.  

-  the expansion of the kitchen area so the students can collect their lunches in a more organised fashion.  

-  an overflow parking area out the back.

Mr Farnsworth was very open and honest in sharing some of the frustrations regarding contractors, financing and permits, zones, codes and other business factors that that he takes care of.  

If you like to know more details of what was said, please email us at or find one of us at school and we'd be more than happy to tell you what we know!

 Thank you to Mr Farnsworth for dropping in! 

 We greatly appreciate you taking the time to come and talk to us.

                               - FPAC -