Thursday, May 22, 2014

Presidential Fitness Awards

“Hey Y’All!”

Our very own Ms. Seawell presented these fine young students with their Presidential Fitness Awards this morning, and explained that although the program itself was a little easier this year due to some changes, here at BFCS the students were still expected to reach last years goals…work harder and stronger than everyone else.....and they did a fine job.
Presidential Award Recipients

Ms. Seawell asked all the 6th graders who earned this award in 3rd, 4rd, 5th and 6th grade to step forward too – that’s a great achievement Ladies and Gents!

Well done 6th graders - received the award every year since 3rd grade

Well done everyone!  And thank you to Ms. Seawell for making P.E. so much fun and always encouraging our children to do their best.  Ms. Seawell Rocks!
Ms.Seawell warming up for all the names she needed to call out today!