presented all the teachers and staff with this lovely towel and we have had
some parents asking if they are available for purchase.
As we only bought enough to give as gifts we do not hold any stock.
The printing company requires a minimum order of 50 before they will take
an order so we are sending this out to see if we can drum up that much
The cost of the towel is $25. Each student, teacher and aide has
signed it. It really is quite special!
There is a towel on display in the front office. We only have
until Friday to take orders so if you interested please come by in the next few
days. We are taking payment but if we do not have enough orders we will
return your money to you next week. We expect delivery to be mid-end June
so we will have them ready for collection when summer school starts in July.
Any questions please email fpacgilbert@gmail.com