Tuesday, February 16, 2016

FPAC Board Nominations

Nominations are being accepted  for the 2016-2017 FPAC Board.  Please submit the names of individuals you would like to nominate.  Parents of BFCS will be voting to fill 6 general board members positions (2-year term).  The 4 officers will be elected by the board at a later date. 

You may nominate yourself or someone else, but all nominees must be parents of students at BFCS Gilbert Campus.  You may make multiple nominations but you must submit a separate form for each individual.

DEADLINE:  Nominations will only be accepted until FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th.

ELECTION:  Elections will be held in March (day/time TBA).  All BFCS parents are eligible to vote.  Candidates are not required to be present at the election. 

Click HERE to make a nomination.