Tuesday, February 9, 2016

HELP NEEDED for the 6th Grade Musical!

Under the direction of Mr. Blau, the 6th grade has been preparing a musical, "Seussical," which is to be performed on March 1.  This is a HUGE undertaking and he is in need of more help and resources.  Please take a look and see if there is anything you might be able to assist with.

MAKE-UP:  Anyone with knowledge of applying stage make-up and/or resources for obtaining stage make-up. 
COSTUMES:  Anyone who sews, has resources for obtaining materials for costumes, and/or has access to costumes that could be borrowed.
STAGE SETS:  Scenery is being painted by the students, but help is need with building some simple set structures/platforms, OR access to borrow existing set pieces, both stationary and rolling type... stage cubes, etc., any size/shape.  (example image below)
Stage Boxes
Some specific set pieces needed include a "piano" (fake), "bathtub" and "Seussian Tree" with a nest that a person can "sit" in.  (see sample images... just ideas)

LIGHTING:  Anyone with knowledge of stage lighting or who has access to theater lights.

If you would like to offer your help, please contact Mr. Blau, or Alice DeWitt, 480-818-3738.