Monday, March 5, 2018

FPAC Board!

The time has come... to form next year's FPAC Board!

BUT... there's been an update!

The Board has voted to change the bylaws... no longer do you have to be elected onto the Board!!!  AND general Board members are no longer locked into 2-year terms... it's year to year!  AND now the general Board can be more than 12 members (but 12 is always the minimum)!!!

Why this change?  A couple of reasons... the bylaws were created over 20 years ago.  Society has changed... family life has changed... we needed to update the bylaws to keep up with the changes that have already come our way.
Also, this will also allow the Board more members.  We love our parents, and we know that parents want to help when they can.  If we have more than 12 people who want to better our children's school, why would we want to turn anyone away?  Why do we want to stress a new parent who wants to help but doesn't know how to get people to vote for them?

So with these new changes, we'd love to see new faces!

If you are interested in being on the Board next year, please contact Linda Wheeler (pres) or Sherron Stone (VP) at to start what will surely be a fantastic year on next year's Board!