Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Feed My Starving Children Service Opportunity

We know your type... awesome human, amazing role model- yeah... you know we're talking about you!  We know you lead by example and you have a heart of service... and we also know that serving is fun with family and friends.

Well, we've got just the opportunity for you and your Jaguar!


Once again, BFCS- Gilbert will be going to the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) facility in Mesa (1345 S Alma School, Mesa) and pack nutritious meals for those who may go without... meals that are specially formulated for malnourished children.  Standing side-by-side, adults and children can impact hundreds of lives by packing these life-saving meals.

We've booked two Mondays in April 2018 for the school to go and volunteer.  Choose one or both nights and join us!  By clicking the links below you can go sign up for a 2-hour shift.  YOU MUST BE SIGNED UP TO HELP.  Space is limited so please make sure you sign up everyone in your group.

Now... there are some things you will need to know...
  • Sorry... children under the age of 5 are not allowed in the packing area- no exceptions.
  • No jewelry in the packing area.
  • Please click on the link below to see all of FMSC volunteer policies.
BFCS- Gilbert has always shown the community the amazing leadership ability our Jaguars have- service is no exception!  We look forward to serving with you this April!

Volunteer Policies

Click here to volunteer on April 9, 2018, 6-8pm

Click here to volunteer on April 16, 2018, 6-8pm