Thursday, September 27, 2018

National School Parent Group Day

Sept 27, 2018 is National School Parent Group Day!  
And today I would like to honor those who are giving their time and talents to help make the school experience for your child AMAZING!

Franklin Parent Advisory Council (FPAC) is the parent group at the elementary level of Benjamin Franklin Charter School... and the Gilbert campus has an amazing group of people who have volunteered to help keep our school fabulous!

A couple of hours a month is what they give of themselves... and they are rewarded with a lot of smiles from the students and a feeling of a job well done.

I am thankful for the time that these people put in.  Even though they are only putting in a few hours a month, those few hours make a huge difference in the lives of the students

If you see one of these ladies, please thank them for all that they do!

FPAC 2018-2019
Leann Brewer
Vita Clawson
Courtney Fisher, FPAC secretary
Kimberli Hatch
Faith Hough
Rose Mendoza
Danielle Michaelson
Belinda Olbert
Christina Shankel
Pindi Sparks, FPAC treasurer
Courtney Strom, FPAC vice president
Kari Vanderpool
Cynthia Wood

I'd like to say THANK YOU to them, for they have truly enriched my life and I get the privilege of calling them my friends!

If you would like to learn more about being on FPAC or volunteering, please contact an FPAC member or email FPAC at

- Linda Wheeler, FPAC president