Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Were you at the Ice Cream Social?

Hey there Jaguars!

So... did you go to the Ice Cream Social in August?  FPAC has a favor to ask...

We're working on something amazing, so if you were at the Ice Cream Social we are asking you to click on the link below and sign in... sign in yourself, any adult that came with you, sign in your children.

FPAC is very excited about this possibility, but we just don't want to spill the beans yet!  

Please sign in if you were there... please sign in if you brought a canned food but were not able to make it... please sign in if your child made a card... please sign in if you spoke to your child about good food choices... please sign in if you scooped ice cream... please sign in if you helped to set up or clean up...

Thank you SO MUCH!

Click here if you attended the Ice Cream Social