Monday, January 14, 2019

Field Day 2019

Field Day is coming!!!  Field Day is coming!!!

And we all know the Jaguars LYVE Field Day!!!

Our annual FIELD DAY is Friday, February 8, 2019 and WE NEED YOUR HELP in a BIG BIG way!!!
There are lots of events that need volunteers, and lots of kids that love your cheers.
The children so love this event, without your help their time on the field won't be spent!!!
Come and join in the fun where families and community unite as one!

Parents... There is no way FPAC would be able to staff Field Day by ourselves, so we need parents to come and run events.  
Come for a half day or come for the whole day!  
Come enjoy the sunshine and the bright shining faces of the Jaguars as they run, jump and play!

Click here to sign up and help at Field Day!